The fifth annual South Florida Reunion and also the 63th anniversary of our graduation will be on Monday, January 16, 2020 at 12:00 P.M.
The location is at Madisons New York, 2006 NW Executive Center Circle, Boca Raton, Florida. The telephone number is 561-994-0808. It is slightly west of I-95 on the north side of Glades Road in a large upscale mall.
Let me know if you are planning to come to this nice affair.
Wives, girl friends and SOs are certainly invited. >
The fourth annual South Florida Reunion and also the 62th anniversary of our graduation will be on Monday, January 16, 2019 at 12:00 P.M.
The location is at Marios, 1400 Glades Road #210, Boca Raton, Florida. The telephone number is 561-239-7000. It is slightly east of I-95 on the south side of Glades Road in a large upscale strip mall. It is next to J Alexanders.
Let me know if you are planning to come to this nice affair.
Wives, girl friends and SOs are certainly invited. Do you hear that Ms. Linda Greenhouse. See her thoughts on the Home Page
The Reunion Committee
Ron Pinkus, Hank Karpf, Phil Avruch
The following Floridans, snow birds, and snow flakes are so far coming to the luncheon:
- Ron Pinkus
- Hank Karpf
- Steve Schulman
- Bert Stern
- Lennie Gootblatt
- Louis Mayer
- Henry Grausz
- Mrs. Henry Grausz
- Harold Weinberg
- Harold Flescher
- Lee Grasheim
- Jeff Bolton
- Ms Tina Bolton
- Harold Zuckerman
- Phil Avruch
- Stan Silverberg
Here are the details, mark your calendar.
The first Arizona Reunion was held March 21st, 2018 at 11:30A.M.
Kitchen 18; 10211 N Scottsdale Road; Scottsdale, AZ
telephone 480-284-8001
The Arizona Review
The first ever class of ‘57 reunion was held at “Kitchen 18” in Scottsdale, Arizona on March 21, 2018. Harvey lives in Phoenix, Herb drove up from Tucson where he resides as a “snowbird”, and the Silverbergs flew in from Florida to visit their son in Scottsdale.
We sat for three hours and only stopped talking to swallow our lunch. We had a great time describing our lives from the time we graduated in 1957 until the present. We spoke a bit of old Stuy, our subway adventures (all three of us commuted from Brooklyn), and the “good old days”.
Harvey went to CCNY (uptown and downtown!) for degrees in chemical engineering and business and held an interesting variety of great jobs. Stan went to Brooklyn Polytech and NYU for degrees in electrical engineering and law to eventually become a patent attorney. Herb went to CCNY and the University of Buffalo for degrees in biology leading to a professor of biology position at the University of Calgary.
We know that there are other Stuyvesantians in Arizona who were unable to attend but we look forward to meeting them next winter in Scottsdale or Tucson.
Best wishes to the other members of the class of ‘57 from
Harvey Shrednick
Stan Silverberg (and Hazel)
Herb Rosenberg
Wives and significant others were invited, of course.
The third annual South Florida Reunion and also the 60th anniversary of our graduation was on Monday, January 22, 2018 at 11:45A.M.
The location was at Marios, 1400 Glades Road #210, Boca Raton, Florida. The telephone number is 561-239-7000. It is slightly east of I-95 on the south side of Glades Road in a large upscale strip mall. It is next to J Alexanders from last year.
The following Floridans, snow birds, and snow flakes came to the luncheon:
- Lenny Gootblatt
- Harold Flescher
- Joel Moses
- Harold Weinberg
- Joe Pearlman
- Hank Karpf
- Linda Greenhouse
- Ron Pinkus
- Barry Greenhouse
- Steve Schulman
- Phil Avruch
- Bernie Berkenfeld
See Linda Greenhouse’s thoughts on Welcome Page
New York October 14 – 15, 2017
October 14, 2017 (Saturday) was dinner at a fancy restaurant in Manhattan – Dolcino, 28th Street and 2nd Avenue.
Spouses, partners, and significant others were invited.
The following alumni came to the Saturday dinner:
- Harold Anderson
- H Russel Bernard
- Mrs. H Russel Bernard
- Paul Ephraim
- Mrs. Paul Ephraim
- Oscar Garfein
- Audrey Stern with Oscar Garfein
- Jay Gingold
- Barry Greenhouse
- Bill Hecht
- Neil Hitzig
- Mrs. Neil Hitzig
- Julian Jacoby
- Mrs. Julian Jacoby
- Henry Jibaja
- Mrs. Henry Jibaja
- George Kalbouss
- Allen Kaplan
- Henry Karpf
- Mrs. Henry Karpf
- Arthur Kramer
- Donna Goldberg with Arthur Kramer
- Martin Krumerman
- Mrs. Martin Krumerman
- Chris Lange
- Thomas Manis
- Joel Novak
- Mrs. Joel Novak
- Ron Pinkus
- Richard Pollak
- Monroe Rabin
- Charlie Rodman
- Mrs. Charlie Rodman
- Phil Rodman
- Mrs. Phil Rodman
- Michael Rogers
- Mrs. Michael Rogers
- Sidney Rosenblatt
- Mrs. Sidney Rosenblatt
- William Salerno
- Bob Sargent
- William Selan
- Mrs. William Selan
- Merril Sobie
- Michael Spector
- Mrs. Michael Spector
- Bruce Stern
- Mrs. Bruce Stern
- Richard Trapani
October 15, 2017 (Sunday) featured a brunch at the old Stuyvesant H.S. at East 15th Street and First Avenue with everyone expressing views using the microphone.
Spouses, Partners, and Significant Others were invited.
The cast of characters that came on Sunday were:
- Alan Aaronson
- Ben Armstead
- Mrs. Ben Armstead
- Harold Anderson
- Louis Cardona
- Eric Contreras – Principal
- Andy DeLuise
- Paul Ephraim
- Mrs. Paul Ephraim
- Oscar Garfein
- Jay Gingold
- Lenny Gootblatt
- Barry Greenhouse
- Julian Jacoby
- Henry Jibaja
- Mrs. Henry Jibaja
- George Kalbouss
- Allen Kaplan
- Arthur Kramer
- Alan Knapp
- Chris Lange
- Jack Lowenthal
- Harvey Matcovsky
- Joel Novak
- Ron Pinkus
- Monroe Rabin
- Charlie Rodman
- Phil Rodman
- Michael Rogers
- Bob Sargent
- Richard Trapani
- Ed Weidberg
The second annual South Florida Reunion convened on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 12 noon.
The location was J Alexanders, 1400 Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida, telephone 561-347-9875.
- Bert Stern
- Joel Moses
- Joseph Pearlman
- Harold Weinberg
- Louis Mayer
- Don Schwartz
- Phil Avruch
- Lenny Gootblatt
- Stanley Silverberg
- Stephen Schulman
- Ron Pinkus
Stuyvesant Alumni -Class of ’57 Get together May 11, 2016 Cottage Restaurant
Seventeen of us met to discuss our 60th reunion and enjoy a convivial dinner.
Charlie Rodman acknowledged Ron Pinkus’ diligence and hard work to maintain and enhance our class lists and website. He also extended our collective good wishes to Louis Cardona who is making a difficult recovery from illness and Alan Aronson, Gerry Newman, and Jerry Levkov who are having medical treatments.
We have a very comprehensive mailing list and a lot of continuing interest from our classmates. Julian Jacoby will open a federal EIN and a bank account shortly. The account’s purpose will be solely to fund the reunion. The Stuyvesant Parents Association has been contacted regarding continuation of our annual legacy scholarship. Excess proceeds from the reunion will likely be provided to the parent’s association, a group that raises and disburses funds for Stuyvesant students.
Julian Jacoby – Class of 1957
The 2016 New York mini-reunion annual dinner is being scheduled for Wednesday May 11th, 2016. The ever welcoming ‘The
Cottage’ restaurant will again be the location of the dinner. The location of The Cottage is at 33 Irving Place (corner of East 16th Street), time at 6:00 P.M. This is the preview reunion before the big 60th reunion that is being planned tor 2017. We hope to see you at this one. We will solicit your opinions for 2017.
The Following are so far planning to come
- Alan Aaronson
- Michel Araten
- Jeff Bolton
- Oscar Garfein
- Jay Gingold
- Lenny Gootblatt
- Julian Jacoby
- Chris Lange
- Thomas Manis
- Harvey Matcovsky
- Gerry Newman
- Ron Pinkus
- Richard Pollack
- Charles Rodman
- Phil Rodman
- Sidney Rosenblatt
- Dave Sider
- Merril Sobie
- Albert Solomon
- Bruce Stern
- Rich Trapani
- Ed Weidberg
On Tuesday January 12, 2016 a dozen or so Stuyvesant alums
from the Class of 1957 braved the unusually foul weather in the Sunshine State to gather at Madison’s New York Grill and Bar in Boca Raton, Florida. This was the first ever South Florida group get together for the alums and was all thanks to the inspiration of Ron Pinkus who was sojourning for a month in South Florida. While there have been several reunions ‘up north’ for those residing in or able to travel to New York, those of us now residing in Florida and unable or unwilling to leave the area have not had the good fortune of being able to participate in a ‘local Class of ’57 event’ here.
This changed for the better when we all got together for a table d’ hote luncheon and gathering of the clan. One of our alums, I believe it was Leonard Gootblatt, fortuitously brought along his stuy yearbook, looked at my picture and said, “I would recognize you and look at that, you even signed my yearbook page”. “Yes, Leonard,” I replied, “believe it or not we were friends back then”. Alas, I had not seen Leonard nor any of my other eleven or so classmates sitting at the table since our graduation in 1957. As might be expected, we traded stories about our experiences at Stuyvesant and with the various Stuyvesant teachers we all loved and/or disliked profusely. Specific reference was made to our then Principal, Dr. Leonard Fliedner, and his interaction with the students, especially at the time of what was referred to as, ‘the Student Strike’.
We took turns, bringing each other up to date on our respective lives since leaving Stuyvesant – all our adventures and
misadventures. We also noted the absence of some of our classmates who were no longer with us. Before we knew it, our
time was up and OUR STRONG BAND parted ways yet another time. I personally enjoyed this albeit brief reunion and hope that
another one can be arranged before too long.
Stanley J. Silverberg – Class of ’57.
The First Annual Florida Luncheon was a great event at:
Madisons New York & Bar
2006 NW Executive Center Circle
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Tuesday January 12th at 12:30 p.m.
The Respondees were
- Don Schwartz
- Phil Avruch
- George Kutin
- Alan Grodsky
- Lenny Gootblatt
- Mike Manheim
- Stanley Silverberg
- Stephen Schulman
- Ron Pinkus
- Henry Karpf
- Tom Terranova
- Harvey Schlissel
The 2015 informal annual reunion dinner on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 was an unqualified success.
The dinner was held at:
The Cottage
33 Irving Place (corner East 16th St), New York, NY 10003
December 10, 2015
Stuyvesant Déjà Vu
It happened so long ago and yet it seems like yesterday. High School, maybe more so than college, is such a big part of one’s growth curve as internal and external changes seem to follow an exponential trajectory. There is a chasm between who we are as a senior and who we were as a freshman. Recently I had the pleasure of meeting some of my fellow Stuyvesant alumni and briefly revisiting those special days. Over Chinese food and lively conversation I closed my eyes and it was yesterday, We all seemed to be projected back to those memorable years. In our heart of hearts I believe none of us really changed that much, and we sensed it as memories surfaced over rice dumplings. We knew we were fortunate to grow up at a wonderful time in our world and for us the world was our oyster and we woke up to the American dream. Pleasantries punctuated the conversation but they never detracted from the warm feelings that we experienced on 15th St and First Avenue once upon a time.
-Arthur Kramer
The attendees at the dinner were:
- Alan Aaronson
- Jeff Bolton
- Jay Gingold
- Julian Jacoby
- Henry Karpf
- Arthur Kramer
- Chris Lange
- Mal Meyers
- Gerry Newman
- Ron Pinkus
- Charles Rodman
- Phil Rodman
- Mike Rogers
- Sidney Rosenblatt
- Bruce Stern
- Rich Trapani